Astrology Quotes
Astronomy and Astrology Illumination
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It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves; we are underlings.
William Shakespeare
Courteous Reader, Astrology is one of the most ancient Sciences, held in high esteem of old, by the Wise and the Great. Formerly, no Prince would make War or Peace, nor any General fight in Battle, in short, no important affair was undertaken without first consulting an Astrologer.
Benjamin Franklin
Anyone can be a millionaire, but to become a billionaire you need an astrologer.
John Pierpont Morgan
We are born at a given moment, in a given place and, like vintage years of wine, we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.
Carl Gustav Jung
The stars which shone over Babylon and the stable in Bethlehem still shine as brightly over the Empire State Building and your front yard today....
Linda GoodmanEmpire State Building from Madison Avenue Art Print
Daniels, Matthew
Astrology is just a finger pointing at reality. Steven Forrest
Astrology is assured of recognition from psychology, without further restrictions, because astrology represents the summation of all the psychological knowledge of antiquity.
C.G. Jung
The question of all questions for humanity, the problem which lies behind all others and is more interesting than any of them, is that of the determination of man's place in nature and his relation to the cosmos.
A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma.
Sri Yukteswar
A physician without a knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician ... There is one common flow, one common breathing, all things are in sympathy.
We are merely the stars' tennis-balls, struck and bandied
Which way please them.
John Webster
The puzzling thing is that there is really a curious coincidence between astrological and psychological facts, so that one can isolate time from the characteristics of an individual, and also, one can deduce characteristics from a certain time....
Carl Jung
All anyone can see in a birthchart are tendencies that will become facts if he does not do something to alter them.
Isabel Hickey
There's some ill planet reigns:I must be patient till the heavens lookWith an aspect more favourable.
William Shakespeare (Winter's Tale, Hermione speaking)
Astrology is one of the earliest attempts made by man to find the order hidden behind or within the confusing and apparent chaos that exists in the world.
Karen Hamaker-Zondag
Before one accepts spirituality, astrology is very powerful, like a lion. Then when one enters into a deeper spiritual life, astrology becomes a tiny household cat.
Sri Chinmoy
There is no better boat than a horoscope to help a man cross over the sea of life.
Varaha Mihira
The starry vault of heaven is in truth the open book of cosmic projection...
Carl Jung
O! I am Fortune's fool.
William Shakespeare (Romeo and Juliet)
Carl Jung and Astrology
What then is the psychologically valid use of astrology from the point of view taken by Jung? It can only be the clarification (the making more conscious and objectively real) of the "law of one's being." Any astrological procedure or practice which does not have this purpose, and which the practitioner or consultant does not expect to have this purpose, is detrimental to psychological health and cannot contribute to the process of personality integration.
Dane Rudhyar
Superstition is to religion what astrology is to astronomy: the mad daughter of a wise mother. Voltaire
Strange an astrologer should die, without one wonder in the sky.
Jonathan Swift
Figure-flingers and star-gazers pretend to foretell the fortunes of kingdoms, and have no foresight in what concerns themselves.
Sir Roger L'Estrange
I know that astrology isn't a science... Of course it isn't. It's just an arbitrary set of rules like chess or tennis.... The rules just kind of got there. They don't make any kind of sense except in terms of themselves. But when you start to exercise those rules, all sorts of processes start to happen and you start to find out all sorts of stuff about people. In astrology the rules happen to be about stars and planets, but they could be about ducks and drakes for all the difference it would make. It's just a way of thinking about a problem which lets the shape of that problem begin to emerge. The more rules, the tinier the rules, the more arbitrary they are, the better. It's like throwing a handful of fine graphite dust on a piece of paper to see where the hidden indentations are. It lets you see the words that were written on the piece of paper above it that's now been taken away and hidden. The graphite's not important. It's just the means of revealing their indentations. So you see, astrology's nothing to do with astronomy. It's just to do with people thinking about people.
Douglas Adams
We should take astrology seriously. No, I don't mean that we should believe in it. I am talking about fighting it seriously instead of humouring it as a piece of harmless fun.
Richard Dawkins
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